, Adalennis Buchillón Soris Pipelines vs workflows in Apache Hop Hey everyone!This post explains how to choose between pipelines and workflows in data integration projects. You'll learn through real-world examples when a workflow is more appropriate than a pipeline... apache hop data pipelines data workflows execution Dec 17, 2024, Adalennis Buchillón Soris Workflows execution in Apache Hop: Parallel, sequential & hybrid One of the fundamental concepts that new Apache Hop users encounter is the parallel execution of pipelines and sequential execution of workflows. This concept refers to how Apache Hop manages task exe... apache hop data workflows parallel execution sequencial execution Dec 10, 2024, Adalennis Buchillón Soris Pipelines execution in Apache Hop: Filter, Merge & Append streams This post builds upon the content covered in our previous post ( Pipelines execution in Apache Hop: Distribution & Copy ), where we introduced the principles of pipeline execution and the two main dat... apache hop data pipelines data workflows parallel execution sequencial execution Dec 3, 2024, Adalennis Buchillón Soris Build & deploy 8: Updating and rerunning your Apache Hop project Welcome back to the final post in our “Build deploy” series! In this post, we'll bring everything together by updating one of the pipelines from "Build deploy 2" , re-running the workflow, and explori... apache hop build & deploy data engineering data integration data pipelines data workflows Nov 12, 2024, Adalennis Buchillón Soris Build & deploy 7: Running Apache Hop pipelines and workflows using Docker Welcome back to our "Build & deploy" series! In previous posts, we’ve explored building and executing Apache Hop pipelines using the Hop GUI and Hop Run . Now, we're taking it a step further by runnin... apache hop build & deploy data pipelines data workflows docker Nov 5, 2024, Adalennis Buchillón Soris Build & deploy 6: Running Apache Hop pipelines and workflows using Hop Run Welcome back to our "Build & deploy" series! In a previous post , we created and deployed two pipelines and integrated them into a workflow in Apache Hop using the Hop GUI. Now, it’s time to take thin... apache hop build & deploy data pipelines data workflows hop run Oct 29, 2024, Adalennis Buchillón Soris Build & deploy 2: Develop your first pipelines in a workflow Hey everyone! Welcome back to our Build & deploy series. In this post, we're going to take a deeper dive into Apache Hop by building two essential pipelines and executing them in a workflow. Before di... apache hop build & deploy data engineering data integration data pipelines data workflows Oct 1, 2024